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Working with Views

Getting a reference to a view

All DSL functions return an instance of the view they create. Assign the return value of the function to get a reference of it.

val errorTextView = textView {

errorTextView.text = "Unknown error"

Editing views

Using the view reference, you can edit the properties of the view.

Accessing the HTML element

Each view has an element property that is a reference to the underlying JavaScript HTMLElement. This will allow you to edit any property of the element using the JavaScript API. For example

val layout = verticalLayout {
textView { text = "Hello,"}
textView { text = "World!"}
console.log("Layout height is ${layout.element.offsetHeight})

Mounting views

Mounting a view means attaching to a parent in the DOM. This happens automatically when creating views using the DSL. A view can have only one parent. Therefore, if you mount a view in another parent, it will be detached from the first one. Here's an example.

verticalLayout {
id = "firstParent"
val label = textView {
text = "Hello, World!"

horizontalLayout {
id = "secondParent"

In this example, label will be mounted inside the horizontal layout.

The parent property

Every view has a nullable parent: View? property. When a view is mounted, this property is a reference to the view parent.

Creating detached views

You can create a view that is not mounted by calling the DSL function on detached. You can then mount it when you need to.

val errorMessage = detached.textView { }

// later in the code

if (didErrorOccur) {
errorMessage.text = "Error! Try again"

By the way, detached is just syntactic sugar for null as you can achieve the same result by calling

val errorMessage = null.textView { }