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Basic Views

Creating views

Kunafa provides a declarative Domain Specific Language DSL to create views. If you used any Kotlin UI library, Kunafa DSL should feel familiar.

To create a view, you need to call the appropriate DSL function. For example, to create a view you will write the following.

view {


All these DSL functions (except for page) are extension functions on the View class. Therefore, you need to have View as a receiver when you call DSL functions. For example, the following won't compile.

// This will NOT compile
fun main() {
textView {
text = "Hello, world"

but this is fine.

fun main() {
page {
textView {
text = "Hello, world"

This required so views will be added to a parent. The alternative to that is to create a detached view.

The View class

View is the simplest and basic UI element. All other views extend it. It is equivalent to an HTML div tag.

The view defines the common properties and functions such is id and style.

Other views

Kunafa defines commonly used views such as TextView, ImageView, and Button. There are also Layouts and Page. Other than that, you can find wrappers for most HTML tags. You can also wrap any arbitrary HTML or create your own view. Check building custom view page for details.

Common views properties

The View class define properties and functions that are accessible to all views that extend it. These are:

  • id which is equivalent to the HTML id
  • isVisible this property makes it easier to show/hide a view. Under the hood it uses a CSS class with display: none !important to hide the view.
  • onClick to add a listener to the view on click
  • style for styling the view
  • bind to bind a LifecycleObserver to listen to the view life cycle events
  • mount and mountAfter to mount children inside the view
  • children views mounted inside the view

Views Properties

Some views define additional properties and functions in addition to the ones they inherit. For example, TextView have text property to get and set its text.